This past winter, a some students asked me to create a block of the month quilt for a winter project. I thought, ugh!! 12 months of trying to keep everyone motivated and moving along, not to mention myself!! Then I thought 'what if....?' What if it's not 12 months, but 12 classes? What if we do it weekly instead? Wouldn't that keep everyone motivated and on their toes? After deciding that was a great idea, I took it one step further........ a mystery block of the week aka BOW? WOW! (Block Of the Week? WOW!)
I sketched and sketched, dropped the sketches into my Illustrator program and came up with rough draft. I went to the quilt shop were I teach and we figured out the cost. The class would include the fabrics (each student got to pick their own), a set of Sue Pelland rulers, a mystery gadget, fusible web and stitch and steam.
MUCH to my surprise, 3 of them signed up and off we went. Each week was a different block and a different skill including how to PRESS! Near the end, they hung their pieces up on the wall and got to see what they were actually making. They were completely wowed by what they had created. The very center of each quilt was completely designed by them with no help from me. These quilts are stunning and works of art in their own right. Each of these women had faith in my teaching and in turn learned to have faith in their own abilities! It was awesome!!
My own lesson............? Have faith in my own abilities!!
I sketched and sketched, dropped the sketches into my Illustrator program and came up with rough draft. I went to the quilt shop were I teach and we figured out the cost. The class would include the fabrics (each student got to pick their own), a set of Sue Pelland rulers, a mystery gadget, fusible web and stitch and steam.
MUCH to my surprise, 3 of them signed up and off we went. Each week was a different block and a different skill including how to PRESS! Near the end, they hung their pieces up on the wall and got to see what they were actually making. They were completely wowed by what they had created. The very center of each quilt was completely designed by them with no help from me. These quilts are stunning and works of art in their own right. Each of these women had faith in my teaching and in turn learned to have faith in their own abilities! It was awesome!!
My own lesson............? Have faith in my own abilities!!